Sunday, September 25, 2011

"The Stairway to Heaven Manuscript" - Blueprint to communicate with Infinite Intelligence / The "God Particle"

 Infinite Intelligence has an address - and can be intentionally and repeatedly "visited". It will share its unearthly and unimaginable powers with the visitor, and allow them to accomplish things "not of this known earth" -- like my own HolisticDNA Healing. The address is known only to a few people, but Infinite Intelligence has no limit on the number of visitors it will allow -- they must however reach its doorway, as it will not knock on yours. The visit - receiving the "address" -- REQUIRES an EXACT combination/ execution sequence that must be executed with exactness for Infinite Intelligence to reveal its location, and then welcome you in......"The Stairway to Heaven Manuscript" referenced in my website, is actually a 10 page "road map" to "the address / the visit"

लेखक डैन ब्राउन स्टीव meyer संत anthonys चर्च पिता mollinger
Real Time Supernatural Internet Creation
    A collaborative Creation by Steve Meyer and Infinite Intelligence
The Sixth Sense - HolisticDNA
"Miracle" in MD!
The "God Particle"


  1. “...there is a power, or First Cause, or an Intelligence, which permeates every atom of matter, and embraces every unit of energy perceptible to man -- that this Infinite Intelligence converts acorns into oak trees, causes water to flow downhill in response to the law of gravity, follows night with day, and winter with summer, each maintaining its proper place and relationship to the other.”
    Napoleon Hill - 1937

  2. #sixthsense,. #Infiniteintelligence
    #physics, #particlephysics, #quantum, #quantumphysics, #jennifermeyer,
    #healer, #healing, #miracle, #miracles,. #positivethinking,, #belief, #beliefs, #higgsboson.
    #thegodparticle. #energyhealing. #energyhealer , @holisticdna, #stevemeyer, #holisticdna,
    #lawofattraction, #napoleonhill , #thinkandgrowrich, #subconsciousmind, #subconscious, #intuition,
    #thesixthsense, #thesixthsenseactivationsequence, #thestairwaytoheavenmanuscript, #levitation,
    #faith, #science, #god, #creation, #intelligentdesign, #cern, #lhc, #vibrationofthought, #sextransmutation,
    #emotions, #desire, #supernatural, #spiritual, #bigbang, #DNA, #newthought, #newthoughtmovement,
    #beliefs, #beliefsystem, #positivethinking, #divine, #blueprint, #sixthsenseactivation, #meditation, #discoveryinstitute,
    #stephenhawking, #holistic, #holistichealth, #wellness, #thesixthsense, #practitioner, #enlightenment, #holisticdnaenergyhealing

  3. I need some more information on achieving my best through Infinite Intelligence!
