Sunday, September 25, 2011

"The Stairway to Heaven Manuscript" - Blueprint to communicate with Infinite Intelligence / The "God Particle"

 Infinite Intelligence has an address - and can be intentionally and repeatedly "visited". It will share its unearthly and unimaginable powers with the visitor, and allow them to accomplish things "not of this known earth" -- like my own HolisticDNA Healing. The address is known only to a few people, but Infinite Intelligence has no limit on the number of visitors it will allow -- they must however reach its doorway, as it will not knock on yours. The visit - receiving the "address" -- REQUIRES an EXACT combination/ execution sequence that must be executed with exactness for Infinite Intelligence to reveal its location, and then welcome you in......"The Stairway to Heaven Manuscript" referenced in my website, is actually a 10 page "road map" to "the address / the visit"

लेखक डैन ब्राउन स्टीव meyer संत anthonys चर्च पिता mollinger
Real Time Supernatural Internet Creation
    A collaborative Creation by Steve Meyer and Infinite Intelligence
The Sixth Sense - HolisticDNA
"Miracle" in MD!
The "God Particle"